Huds and Toke Puppy Emojis

Prix réduit Prix $8.30 Prix régulier

Pets love Huds and Toke treats! These fabulous treats are not only incredibly delicious, but they are low in fat, have no added sugar and are guaranteed to have a NO melt frosting.

All Huds and Toke baked products are handmade and unique, made in Australia, and designed specifically for animals.

Being handmade sometimes means no two products are alike so may alter slightly from the image show.

Puppy Emojis are an awesome NEW pet treat designed with FUN in mind.

Each Emoji cookie is made with a delicious Nutty biscuit base and then decorated with our vibrant Yogurt frosting which has no added sugar.

These are little bite sized cookies designed specifically for dogs.

You get 4 in a pack. Just enough for a couple of pets or to satisfy one lucky soul!!!!

Tasty, fun and are sure to help "create awesome memories".

100% Australian made with no Artificial preservatives or added salt or sugar.

Try them out. Ideal for any size, or age dog..........Just get ready to have fun though!!!

Taxes incluses.

Huds and Toke Puppy Emojis - Just For Pets Australia

Huds and Toke Puppy Emojis

Prix réduit Prix $8.30 Prix régulier